Adding Click to Call to Your Email Signature
By Patronum
November 15, 2018
Read Time: 2 mins
By Patronum
November 15, 2018
Read Time: 2 mins
Click-to-call gives web and email users the convenience of being able to instantly dial a phone number from a webpage or email signature by simply clicking. Adding click to call to your email signature can be extremely useful if you rely on incoming customer calls for your business.
Many 3rd party email signature solutions will simply add an HTML HREF TEL: link within your email signature, however, this will not give you a consistent view across devices. (see auto-detection below). The following HTML can be used to give you a better user experience across multiple devices.
<a style=”text-decoration: none !important;text-decoration: none;” href=”tel:+1-234-567-8901″> <span style=”font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 15.0px; font-style: normal; line-height: 17px; font-weight: normal; color: #000000; display: inline;”> <font face=”Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”>+1 (234) 567-8901</font> </span> </a>
When adding a phone number to our email signature or website, we recommend that you always supply the phone number using the international dialling format: the plus sign (+), country code, area code, and number. It is also a very good idea to separate each segment of the number with a hyphen (-) so that it’s easier to read and can be auto-detected.
Most mobile clients use the internal browsers which can automatically detect phone numbers and enable click to call. Mobile Safari, for example, will automatically convert phone numbers to links with the associated hyperlink styles. Chrome for Android automatically detects phone numbers and allows users to click to call, but does not wrap the phone numbers in hyperlinks or apply any special styles.
In order to provide all users both desktop and mobile with a consistent experience you may want to disable the automatic detection of phone numbers. This can be done by add the following meta tag to the top of your email signature:
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
Having a click to call link within your email signatures just make everyone’s life a whole lot easier, but can be difficult to implement correctly. Let us take the hassle out of creating your perfect email signature, click to call us.