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Mobile-Friendly Email Signatures

By Patronum

July 12, 2018

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Email Signatures

56% of emails are now read on a smartphone or tablet device. With the increase of remote and mobile working, consideration must be given to the form factor of these mobile devices when creating the ideal company email signature.

Picture perfect

Most email signatures will be designed on a PC or Mac where the screen is horizontal, they’ll look create in the form, but on a standard smartphone will either wrap badly or become truncated. So when designing your email signature consider the dimensions of the smartphone and separate your contact details onto multiple lines.

Huge Logos

I’m sure you’ve seen annoyingly large logo and banner images when viewing emails on your smartphone? This happens when you include a hi-resolution, say, 1000×1000 pixels image and then formats it to fix the design. Unfortunately, many mobile clients will ignore this reformatting and display the image at the original size.

Fat fingers

Typically our fingers and thumbs are not as accurate as a mouse pointer, and while it’s obvious, make sure any “Call To Action” buttons, links and social media icons are generously spaced out and large enough to be clicked by a thumb or finger.

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