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Use Your Email Signature to Set Boundaries

By Patronum

May 14, 2021

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    In today’s hybrid workplace it easier for work to creep further and further into your personal life. Set a clear work schedule for yourself, and resist the urge to check email or catch up on projects after hours. If you burn out because you’re working too much, nobody benefits. Your company and your colleagues want you at your best—and that requires rest and downtime.

    In Shonda Rhimes’ book Year of Yes, the ultra-successful TV producer shared her email signature: “Please Note: I will not engage in work emails after 7 pm or on weekends. IF I AM YOUR BOSS, MAY I SUGGEST: PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE.”

    A recent email from a colleague had a similar signature line: “I’m sending this message at a time that suits me. I don’t expect you to read, reply, or take any action about this outside of your normal working hours.” Both messages are great examples of setting boundaries and setting an example for your team.

    Be respectful to your team, and your colleagues and understand that today, more than ever, we’re working strange hours.

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