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Set up a File Share Policy

By Patronum

October 01, 2017

Read Time: 2 mins

Patronum gives you the ability to provision and de-provision Google Files and Folders for your users automatically.

Google Drive Provisioning


To automatically add or share Google Drive files and folders simply select the ADD button or right-click within the Files table.

With the Google Drive provisioning policy you can perform the following tasks:-



This is the default available via the PROVISIONING button. Add allows you to automatically share files and folders from other users within your Google Workspace environment.
Select which users have access to the files or folders you want to share, select the permission and users will automatically be given access to these files and folders.

Make a Copy

The make a copy option allows you to take a copy of a file or folder from another user and copy it to others automatically. This is really useful if your users need to complete or sign a document when they initially start working for you.

Create a New Folder

Often people using Google Drive forget that they may still need a little structure in their life, therefore we’ve given you the option to create new folders for your users to aim them.

Deprovisioning of Google Drive

When removing users from your Google Workspace environment you can use the deprovisioning option. Deprovisioning options are available by selecting the deprovisioning button.

It is not possible to have both provisioning and de-provisioning tasks within the same policy.
With the Google Drive deprovisioning policy you can perform the following tasks:-


Transfer ownership of all files to executor

Your departing user may have files that are important to the business which hasn’t been shared with others, it’s important these files are not lost, therefore if it recommended that before users are removed completely from the Google Workspace environment all files are reassigned to another user. This option allows you to transfer ownership of these files to a designated alternative known as an executor. The executor can be set for the whole policy or specifically for Google Drive. For example, you may want Calendars transferred to the departing users’ manager or system administrator, but have a specific back-up account for Files. When you transfer files to another user the policy also gives you the option to decide where in the executor’s file system you want the files and folders to be stored. Maybe you have a structure for ex-employees, the policy allows you to use Marcos such as {{fname}} and {{lname}} to create a custom folder for each departing user.

Exclude transfer of files within a specific folder

This allows you to exclude files from the transfer process. Maybe you give your users the ability to store private or confidential information within the company Google Drive and therefore don’t want this information transferring over. NB. A “Confidential Folder” could be automatically created by the provisioning policy as described above.

Override policy executor

As previously stated above, within the policy, you can also override which executor account will become the owner of Google Files previously owned by the departing user.
Simply enter the new name or email address of the new executor account.

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