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Streamline Your Contact Management: How to Share Labels in Google Contacts and Get Organized

By Patronum

May 10, 2023

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“Rules are good. Rules help control the fun!”

Monica Geller, Friends.

And when it comes to managing your organization’s contacts, we couldn’t agree more. Organizing contacts and streamlining communication can be a game-changer for businesses, and that’s where Google Contacts Manager shines. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to share labels in Google Contacts and get organized with the help of Google Contacts Manager, turning your contact list into a well-oiled machine. So, buckle up, and let’s dive in!

Sharing Labels in Google Contacts: A Step-by-Step Guide

Google Contacts allows you to organize your contacts using labels, making it easier to manage and share contacts within your organization. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to share labels in Google Contacts:

Google Contacts

Step 1: Create and Apply Labels

First things first, open Google Contacts and create labels to organize your contacts. You can create labels based on departments, projects, or any other criteria that fit your organization’s needs. To create a label, click on the ‘+’ icon next to the “Labels” section in the left sidebar. Name the label and click “Save.” Once you’ve created your labels, apply them to your contacts by selecting the contacts, clicking the “Label” icon, and choosing the appropriate label.

Step 2: Export Labeled Contacts

Now that your contacts are organized, it’s time to share the labels with your team. To do this, select the label you want to share from the left sidebar. Once the contacts under that label are displayed, click the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner and choose “Export.” Make sure to select the “Selected contacts” option and choose the file format you prefer (CSV or vCard). Click “Export” to download the file.

Step 3: Share the Exported Contacts with Your Team

Send the exported contacts file to your team members via email or a file-sharing platform like Google Drive. Ensure your team members know how to import the contacts into their Google Contacts.

Step 4: Import the Contacts

Your team members can now import the contacts into their Google Contacts. To do this, they need to click the “Import” option in the left sidebar and select the file you shared with them. Once the contacts are imported, they can create and apply the same label to keep everything organized.

Alternative to Step 2,3 & 4: Use Patronum

You can use a Google Contact Manager like Patronum to manage and share your labels and list of contacts with your peers. In Patronum, navigate to the “Contacts” section, and you’ll see a list of your labels. Click the “Share” button next to the label you want to share. Choose the users or groups you want to share the label with, and set the access permissions (view only or view and edit). Click “Share” to complete the process and you’re done sharing your contacts in just couple of clicks instead of following a lengthy and cumbersome process. Alternatively, you can confirm a Patronum policy to automatically create the contact sharing configuration for you, adding new users as and when they arrive within your organization. To do this simply create a policy, select the CONTACTS tab, select the user that currently manages and owns the contacts and label, and share their label. For a more detailed step by step guide check out our Patronum Knowledgebase and the Sharing Google Contacts via a Policy article.

Step 5: Stay Organized

Now that you’ve shared your labels, it’s essential to keep them up-to-date. Be sure to add new contacts to the appropriate labels and remove any outdated information. Encourage your team members to do the same. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, as Uncle Ben wisely said ☺. So, maintain your shared labels for the sake of your organization’s communication efficiency.

Benefits of Sharing Labels in Google Contacts

Sharing labels in Google Contacts offers several benefits for your organization, including:

Google Contacts
  1. Improved Collaboration: Shared labels make it easier for team members to access the contacts they need, streamlining communication and collaboration.
  1. Time Savings: With shared labels, you won’t waste time searching for contact information or emailing colleagues to ask for it. Your team will have instant access to the contacts they need, resulting in increased productivity.
  1. Better Organization: Labels allow you to categorize your contacts in a way that makes sense for your organization, making it easier to manage your contact list and keep track of essential information.

In today’s fast-paced business world, organization and efficient communication are critical for success. By sharing labels in Google Contacts and utilizing a tool like Patronum, you can streamline your contact management and foster a collaborative environment within your organization. So, don’t let contact chaos hold you back! Implement shared labels in Google Contacts and watch your organization thrive. You’ll be amazed at the difference that a well-organized contact list can make in your daily workflow and overall productivity. And remember, when it comes to organizing your contacts, rules help control the fun, and Google Contacts Manager is your ultimate partner in crime. It’s time to channel your inner Monica Geller and embrace the power of organization with Google Contacts Manager. Happy organizing!

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