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7 amazing things you didn’t know about Patronum

By Patronum

September 22, 2022

Read Time: 3 mins

Here at Patronum, we’re always listening to our customers, and we love the great ideas that they share with us. We’ve been so busy adding features to our Google Workspace platform that we sometimes forget to stop, celebrate and share. So we’ve decided to create this article to share with you some of the subtle, often unique, yet critical features that can be found buried within Patronum.

Transfer Google Drive to a Shared Drive for leavers

One of the many reasons organisations purchases Patronum is the incredible options we provide when offboarding your Google Workspace user accounts. One of these options is the ability to transfer Google Drive files to a Shared Drive. All Google administrators know that when you delete a user in Google Workspace you also delete any files that accounts owned. If you don’t transfer those files to someone else it could cause huge disruption within your organisation. You can manually “Transfer Google Drive files to a new owner“ within the Google Admin Console, however, the task is manual and therefore time-consuming. Within Patronum you can automate this process, but we’ve gone one step further by allowing a Patronum administrator to configure a policy that will automatically transfer leavers’ files to a Google Shared Drive. This means no more having to answer work colleagues whose file requests have gone into a black hole due to the practice of manually assigning files to a “service account”. (but if they have we also provide a Google Drive search feature – see below).

Multiple Gmail Signatures

An oldie, but a goodie. Patronum has been supporting email signatures for SendAs aliases since Google announced the ability to “Create and use multiple signatures in Gmail” back in March 2020. It didn’t take long for our development team to quickly add support for multiple email signatures to Patronum. So if you’re an organisation with multiple brands we’ve got you covered. With Patronum you can automatically set the default SendAs address to a domain alias and create an email signature specifically for that address.

Setting Domain Alias Email Signatures

Remove Attendee from all appointments

How can such a minor issue create such a major problem for end-users? Did you know that when you delete a user within Google Workspace their email address is still listed within other users’ Google Calendar events?


Well, at Patronum we’re Google Workspace experts, and understand that it’s the small things that go along way to happy work colleagues. That is why with Patronum you can remove ex-colleagues from all appointments as part of an Offboarding policy.

Remove leavers from My Google Contacts

By default, Google auto-saves contact information of frequently contacts individuals within the Other Contact section of Google Contacts. This can be useful, as these contacts appear as auto-complete suggestions to help you communicate and share with them easier. However, it’s not so helpful if that contact is still there when they have long left your organisation. Luckily Patronum, via our offboarding actions, can remove the leaver from all users My Contacts.

Search Google Drive files

As a Google Workspace administrator, you probably get asked to locate files belonging to users who may be on vacation, extended leave or no longer with the business in order to share these files with colleagues within the business. With Patronum you can search for files across the entire Google Workspace system.

Real Start Date listed within Organisational Chart.

Many organisations use Patronum as a Directory look-up service for their employees. Searching for colleagues by location, job title, department or even skills. This helps employees see their role in the context of the entire company. To help individuals understand the level of experience their colleagues have we listed the actual date of employment or start date within the Google Directory. This attribute is then visible within the Patronum organisational chart view under Tenure.

Copy Folders in Google Drive

Within Patronum we’ve made it easy for Google Workspace administrators to copy a folder template hierarchy from one Google Shared Drive to another. (Watch our YouTube Video to see how it works).

The Patronum Community keeps growing and we keep expanding our platform to help more and more Google Workspace customers. If you’re interested in learning more about Patronum book a demo today.

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