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Blog Page 11

Swimming in the SOLVETank featured image

By Patronum

February 01, 2021

Swimming in the SOLVETank

Every other Friday at 2 pm ET, that’s 7 pm in the UK, a bunch of hardcore Google Workspace administrators get together over Zoom for a live discussion about all things Google Workspace

COVID-19 and SaaS Sprawl featured image

By Patronum

December 18, 2020

COVID-19 and SaaS Sprawl

As IT budgets for 2021 are reviewed and adjusted, many organizations are seeing the impact of COVID-19 on their priorities and tech spends.

Hybrid workplace is not the answer featured image

By Patronum

December 14, 2020

Hybrid workplace is not the answer

As images of Margaret Keenan, the first person in the world to be given the Pfizer COVID-19 jab, are beamed to every TV on the planet, people and businesses.

Use UTM code within your email signature to track the success of your email marketing featured image

By Patronum

December 10, 2020

Use UTM code within your email signature to track the success of your email marketing

Within Patronum email signature management, you can embed UTM codes that can be used to help track the success of banner campaigns embedded within your user’s email signatures.

Google Shared Contacts limit increases to 200,000 featured image

By Patronum

December 09, 2020

Google Shared Contacts limit increases to 200,000

We’ve always been an advocate of the Directory within an IT system. Our lineage goes back decades to the days of X.500, LDAP, and Novell eDirectory.

Keeping an Accurate Google Directory is now Critical featured image

By Patronum

November 24, 2020

Keeping an Accurate Google Directory is now Critical

Every Google Workspace (G Suite) environment uses the Google Directory to store information about users, groups and external contacts. Regardless of whether this data.

4 Tips when Creating a Great Email Signature that Helps you Stay on Brand featured image

By Patronum

November 20, 2020

4 Tips when Creating a Great Email Signature that Helps you Stay on Brand

Recently we’ve been helping a large Google Workspace client through some rebranding which required them to change their email signatures across multiple locations and departments.

Google Workspace: Migrate to the new Gmail Interface featured image

By Patronum

November 09, 2020

Google Workspace: Migrate to the new Gmail Interface

Last month we talked about the exciting update to Google G Suite and the introduction of Google Workspace along with it’s new single, unified user experience.

Benefits of Email Signature Software Solutions Patronum featured image

By Patronum

October 26, 2020

Benefits of Email Signature Software Solutions Patronum

We often get asked why should we use Patronum to manage Google Workspace users email signatures. After all, users can be asked to update the email signature themselves, but do they?

3 simple ways your email signatures can meet the challenges of remote working during COVID-19. featured image

By Patronum

October 14, 2020

3 simple ways your email signatures can meet the challenges of remote working during COVID-19.

It’s not clear when the current COVID-19 crisis will be over. After almost a year of national lockdowns and local restrictions, working with your colleagues in the same office will probably feel like a distant memory.