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Patronum gives administrators and users clear visibility of who has access to their company data.

By Patronum

September 29, 2021

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If you’re using Google Workspace it’s likely that you’re collaborating both internally and also externally, but do you know exactly who your users are sharing company data with? Patronum gives you important insights into Google Drive sharing and also allows you to take corrective action.

The files and folders within your Google Drive and Shared Drives are private and internal to your company by default until you or your employees decide to share them. Sharing files and folders within Google is super easy, you can share your documents with specific people or you can even make them public and let anyone on the Internet view them.

Not only can you control who has access to your Google Drive files but you can also assign the level of access individuals have to your files. You can set the access permissions to either viewer (read-only), commenter (add comments) or editor (read & write). When sending attachments via Gmail, Google will automatically force users to upload large files to Google Drive and share them with the recipient.

Users will be given the following options:-.

  • Share: This option gives the recipients view, comment, or editor access.
  • Turn on link sharing: Link sharing permits view access only and doesn’t let the recipients re-share the file.
  • Don’t share: Choosing this option does not give the recipient access to the file, instead they must request access if they want to view the file.

Who Can View or Edit your Company Files

If your organisation is collaborating with others you will have a number of documents, spreadsheets and other files in your Google Drive that are accessible to other users. These users could be someone within your Google Workspace domain, an external organisation or some of the shared files could be publicly accessible meaning they are available to anyone on the web who has a link to that file. 

Who can view or edit your company files?

Patronum gives you the ability to see which files and folders in your Google Drive are shared with other users and what kind of access permissions they have on your company data. Patronum does this by carefully scanning your entire organisation’s Google Drive infrastructure and then providing a simple interface allowing you to filter on the specifics that you’re interested in. For example, you can easily find files shared with all users from an external company and remove their access, great if you work with external agencies on a regular basis.

Patronum is the only tool on the Google Workspace Marketplace that provides a full set of management capabilities from Gmail signature management, Google Workspace user on and offboarding, Google shared contact management and much more in a single interface.

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